If you are familiar with my training style, you know I love burpees! But, from my experience as a personal trainer, I know jumping, high-impact movements and high-intensity exercise aren’t for everyone. That’s why I created the Low Impact with Kayla program on Sweat – for women who need lower impact exercises they can follow at home that will still effectively build fitness and strength. Looking for a quick at-home workout? This is perfect for you.
The program requires minimal equipment and there are absolutely NO jumping exercises, meaning it’s easier on your joints and it’s suitable for ALL fitness levels.
I’m SO excited to share this free full-body workout that comes straight from Low Impact with Kayla. It’s an express workout, so is perfect if you’re short on time or not feeling up to a longer workout.
Ladies, let’s do this!
Everything you need for this short workout
Before you begin, make sure to warm up using dynamic stretches or a few minutes of cardio, such as walking around the block or on a treadmill, to activate the muscles you’re about to use.
To complete this workout, you’ll need a pair of dumbbells and a bench or a chair — if you don’t have dumbbells, you can substitute for water bottles or any other household items of similar weight. I also recommend using an exercise mat or a towel for extra support during floor-based work.
How easy or hard you make this workout is up to you. If you are familiar with these exercises, you can push yourself to do as many reps of each as you can in the time allocated. It’s also totally fine to take it slow and focus on getting your form correct.
Whether you want to make your workout easier on your body, or you want to boost the intensity and test your strength and fitness, there are always ways to substitute the exercises in your workout too. This is YOUR workout so it’s all about making it work for you.
This quick workout includes three supersets. Each superset is made up of two time-based exercises that you alternate between for a certain number of laps, with short rest breaks. As you progress through the workout, the number of laps increases to fatigue and challenge opposing muscle groups.
Training with supersets is one of my favourite ways to build strength across the whole body!
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Circuit 1 2 Exercises / 2 Laps
1. Squat
2. Bent-Over Reverse Fly
Circuit 2 2 Exercises / 3 Laps
1. Side Raise
2. Static Lunge
40 SECS 20 Per Side
Circuit 3 2 Exercises / 4 Laps
1. Incline Push-Up
2. Glute Bridge
Once you’ve finished this workout, remember to cool down with some stretches to prevent injury and delayed-onset muscles soreness (DOMS).
Low-impact workouts can effectively build your strength and fitness
My low-impact workouts are designed to be done anywhere, anytime. If you love this kind of training style, try my Low Impact with Kayla program in the Sweat app. It includes 16 weeks of easy-to-follow workouts that can be done in 30 minutes or LESS!
Whether you are starting out on your fitness journey or your body just needs a rest from high-intensity workouts, there are lots of ways that you can continue to progress your strength and fitness.
Whatever your reason for seeking out low-impact training, these workouts give you everything you need for an effective workout without the strain on your joints.